un espacio de inolvidables del cine y la televisión,
con series, dibujos animados y películas, para nostálgicos y memoriosos

viernes, 29 de marzo de 2013

SUPERMAN (serie 1941 Max Fleischer)


inglés subtítulos pegados castellano

Superman (a.k.a. The Mad Scientist) September 26, 1941 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0034247/
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4m9-u7Pj_A descarga


00:00 Superman (a.k.a. The Mad Scientist) September 26, 1941 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0034247/
10:21 The Mechanical Monsters November 28, 1941
20:30 The Arctic Giant February 27, 1942
29:00 The Magnetic Telescope April 24, 1942
36:34 Volcano July 10, 1942
44:25 Electric Earthquake May 15, 1942
los 6 en un video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hkdq0_MjMF4 descarga

00:00 Destruction, Inc. December 25, 1942
08:29 Jungle Drums March 26, 1943
16:23 Secret Agent July 30, 1943
24:02 Showdown October 16, 1942
32:20 Terror on the Midway July 24, 1942
40:30 Eleventh Hour November 20, 1942
los 6 en un video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdlnCGsvs3Q descarga

Billion Dollar Limited January 9, 1942
The Bulleteers March 27, 1942
Japoteurs September 18, 1942
The Mummy Strikes February 19, 1943
The Underground World June 18, 1943

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