Título original: Tom and Jerry (Tom & Jerry)
Años: 1940 / 2007
Duración: 25 min.
País: Estados Unidos
Directores: William Hanna, Joseph Barbera, Tex Avery, Michael Lah, Gene Deitch, Chuck Jones
Guión: Heck Allen, Tex Avery, Rich Hogan, Rudolf Ising, Michael Lah, Tom Ray
Personajes: William Hanna, Joseph Barbera
Música: Scott Bradley, Edward Plumb
Productora: Hannah-Barbera Productions / Sib-Tower 12 Productions / MGM Television
Género: Serie de TV. Animación. Comedia. Infantil | Gatos. Roedores. Tom y Jerry
Web oficial: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/tv_shows/tomjerry/
Cantidad de episodios: 389
Sinopsis: Serie animada de TV (1940-2007) que muestra los intentos de un gato (Tom) por capturar a un ratón (Jerry). Los episodios fueron producidos por los estudios de la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer desde 1940 hasta 1958, cuando el grupo de animación del estudio fue cerrado. MGM, en 1960, subcontrató la producción de Tom y Jerry a Rembrandt Films (dirigido por Gene Deitch) en Europa del este. En 1963, la producción de los cortos de Tom y Jerry regresaron a Hollywood con Sib-Tower 12 Productions de Chuck Jones; estas series duraron hasta 1967. Tom y Jerry regresó luego en forma de caricaturas para la televisión por Hanna-Barbera (1975 - 1977; 1990 - 1993) y Filmation Studios (1980 - 1982). Las cinco series emitidas son las siguientes, comenzando en 1965:
* Tom and Jerry (1965)
* The New Tom & Jerry Show (1975)
* The New Adventures of Tom and Jerry (1980)
* Tom and Jerry Kids Show (1990)
* Tom and Jerry Tales (2006)
Los cortos de Hanna-Barbera ganaron siete premios Oscar, empatando con Silly Symphonies de Walt Disney, situándose así como las series animadas más premiadas. Los siguientes cortometrajes de Tom y Jerry ganaron el Oscar al mejor cortometraje animado:
* 1943: The Yankee Doodle Mouse
* 1944: Mouse Trouble
* 1945: Quiet Please!
* 1946: The Cat Concerto
* 1948: The Little Orphan
* 1952: The Two Mouseketeers
* 1953: Johann Mouse
Estos cortos fueron nominados para el Oscar al mejor cortometraje animado, pero no ganaron:
* 1940: Puss Gets the Boot
* 1941: The Night Before Christmas
* 1947: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse
* 1949: Hatch Up Your Troubles
* 1951: Jerry's Cousin
* 1954: Touché, Pussy Cat!
Estos cortometrajes, junto a todos los demás realizados entre 1940 y 1967, fueron editados y convertidos en serie de televisión, a la que le siguieron varias más, hasta 2006, fecha en la que la última serie protagoniza por Tom y Jerry finalizó totalmente. Así mismo, han generado una película (Tom & Jerry: La película), y han sido la base para parodias como "Rasca y Pica", de Los Simpsons. 1940 pertenece al año de creación de los personajes -mediante los cortos-, siendo la primera serie del año 1965.
001 Puss Gets the Boot [1940]
002 The Midnight Snack [1941]
003 The Night Before Christmas [1941]
004 Fraidy Cat [1942]
005 Dog Trouble [1942]
006 Puss n' Toots [1942]
007 The Bowling Alley Cat [1942]
008 Fine Feathered Friend [1942]
009 Sufferin' Cats! [1943]
010 The Lonesome Mouse [1943]
011 The Yankee Doodle Mouse [1943]
012 Baby Puss [1943]
013 The Zoot Cat [1944]
014 The Million Dollar Cat [1944]
015 The Bodyguard [1944]
016 Puttin' on the Dog [1944]
017 Mouse Trouble [1944]
018 The Mouse Comes to Dinner [1945]
019 Mouse in Manhattan [1945]
020 Tee for Two [1945]
021 Flirty Birdy [1945]
022 Quiet Please! [1945]
023 Springtime for Thomas [1946]
024 The Milky Waif [1946]
025 Trap Happy [1946]
026 Solid Serenade [1946]
027 Cat Fishin' [1947]
028 Part Time Pal [1947]
029 The Cat Concerto [1947]
030 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse [1947]
031 Salt Water Tabby [1947]
032 A Mouse in the House [1947]
033 The Invisible Mouse [1947]
034 Kitty Foiled [1948]
035 The Truce Hurts [1948]
036 Old Rockin' Chair Tom [1948]
037 Professor Tom [1948]
038 Mouse Cleaning [1948]
039 Polka Dot Puss [1949]
040 The Little Orphan [1949]
041 Hatch Up Your Troubles [1949]
042 Heavenly Puss [1949]
043 The Cat and the Mermouse [1949]
044 Love That Pup [1949]
045 Jerry's Diary [1949]
046 Tennis Chumps [1949]
047 Little Quacker [1950]
048 Saturday Evening Puss [1950]
049 Texas Tom [1950]
050 Jerry and the Lion [1950]
051 Safety Second [1950]
052 The Hollywood Bowl [1950]
053 The Framed Cat [1950]
054 Cue Ball Cat [1950]
055 Casanova Cat [1951]
056 Jerry and the Goldfish [1951]
057 Jerry's Cousin [1951]
058 Sleepy Time Tom [1951]
059 His Mouse Friday [1951]
060 Slicked up Pup [1951]
061 Nit Witty Kitty [1951]
062 Cat Napping [1951]
063 The Flying Cat [1952]
064 The Duck Doctor [1952]
065 The Two Mouseketeers [1952]
066 Smitten Kitten [1952]
067 Triplet Trouble [1952]
068 Little Runaway [1952]
069 Fit to be Tied [1952]
070 Push Button Kitty [1952]
071 Cruise Cat [1952]
072 The Dog House [1952]
073 The Missing Mouse [1953]
074 Jerry and Jumbo [1953]
075 Johann Mouse [1953]
076 That's My Pup! [1953]
077 Just Ducky [1953]
078 Two Little Indians [1953]
079 Life with Tom [1953]
080 Puppy Tale [1954]
081 Posse Cat [1954]
082 Hic cup Pup [1954]
083 Little School Mouse [1954]
084 Baby Butch [1954]
085 Mice Follies [1954]
086 Neapolitan Mouse [1954]
087 Downhearted Duckling [1954]
088 Pet Peeve [1954]
089 Touché, Pussy Cat! [1954]
090 Southbound Duckling [1955]
091 Pup on a Picnic [1955]
092 Mouse for Sale [1955]
093 Designs on Jerry [1955]
094 Tom and Chérie [1955]
095 Smarty Cat [1955]
096 Pecos Pest [1955]
097 That's My Mommy [1955]
098 The Flying Sorceress [1956]
099 The Egg and Jerry [1956]
100 Busy Buddies [1956]
101 Muscle Beach Tom [1956]
102 Down Beat Bear [1956]
103 Blue Cat Blues [1956]
104 Barbecue Brawl [1956]
105 Tops with Pops [1957]
106 Timid Tabby [1957]
107 Feedin' the Kiddie [1957]
108 Mucho Mouse [1957]
109 Tom's Photo Finish [1957]
110 Happy Go Ducky [1958]
111 Royal Cat Nap [1958]
112 The Vanishing Duck [1958]
113 Robin Hoodwinked [1958]
114 Tot Watchers [1958]
115 Switchin' Kitten [1961]
116 Down and Outing [1961]
117 It's Greek to Me ow [1961]
118 High Steaks [1962]
119 Mouse Into Space [1962]
120 Landing Stripling [1962]
121 Calypso Cat [1962]
122 Dicky Moe [1962]
123 The Tom and Jerry Cartoon Kit [1962]
124 Tall in the Trap [1962]
125 Sorry Safari [1962]
126 Buddies Thicker Than Water [1962]
127 Carmen Get It! [1962]
128 Pent House Mouse [1963]
129 The Cat Above and the Mouse Below [1964]
130 Is There a Doctor in the Mouse [1964]
131 Much Ado About Mousing [1964]
132 Snowbody Loves Me [1964]
133 The Unshrinkable Jerry Mouse [1964]
134 Ah, Sweet Mouse Story of Life [1965]
135 Tom ic Energy [1965]
136 Bad Day at Cat Rock [1965]
137 The Brothers Carry Mouse Off [1965]
138 Haunted Mouse [1965]
139 I'm Just Wild About Jerry [1965]
140 Of Feline Bondage [1965]
141 The Year of the Mouse [1965]
142 The Cat's Me Ouch [1965]
143 Duel Personality [1966]
144 Jerry, Jerry, Quite Contrary [1966]
145 Jerry Go Round [1966]
146 Love Me, Love My Mouse [1966]
147 Puss 'n' Boats [1966]
148 Filet Meow [1966]
149 Matinee Mouse [1966]
150 The A Tom Inable Snowman [1966]
151 Catty Cornered [1966]
152 Cat and Dupli cat [1966]
153 O Solar Meow [1966]
154 Guided Mouse ille [1966]
155 Rock 'n' Rodent [1967]
156 Cannery Rodent [1967]
157 The Mouse from H.U.N.G.E.R. [1967]
158 Surf Bored Cat [1967]
159 Shutter Bugged Cat [1967]
160 Advance and Be Mechanized [1967]
161 Purr Chance to Dream [1967]
162 Stay Awake Or Else [1975]
163 The Ski Bunny [1975]
164 No Way Stowaways [1975]
165 No Bones About It [1975]
166 An Ill Wind [1975]
167 Beach Bully [1975]
168 Mammmoth Manhunt [1975]
169 The Wacky World Of Sports [1975]
170 Robin Ho Ho [1975]
171 Safe But Not Sorry [1975]
172 Gopher Broke [1975]
173 The Super Bowler [1975]
174 Tricky Mc Trout [1975]
175 The Tennis Menace [1975]
176 Cosmic Cat And Meteor Mouse [1975]
177 Castle Wiz [1975]
178 Grim And Bear It [1975]
179 The Flying Sorceress [1975]
180 The Kitten Sitters [1975]
181 Termites Plus Two [1975]
182 Planet Pest [1975]
183 The Hypochondriac Lion [1975]
184 Give Em The Air [1975]
185 The Egg And Tom And Jerry [1975]
186 Watch Out Watch Dog [1975]
187 The Super Cyclists [1975]
188 The Police Kitten [1975]
189 The Outfoxed Fox [1975]
190 Towering Fiasco [1975]
191 The Lost Duckling [1975]
192 Beanstalk Buddies [1975]
193 Two Stars Are Born [1975]
194 Son Of Gopher Broke [1975]
195 The Sorcerers Apprentices [1975]
196 Hold That Pose [1975]
197 The Supercape Caper [1975]
198 Chickenrella [1975]
199 Double Trouble Crow [1975]
200 Jerrys Nephew [1975]
201 See Dr.Jackal A Hide! [1975]
202 Planet Of The Dogs [1975]
203 The Campout Cutup [1975]
204 Triple Trouble [1975]
205 The Bull Fighters [1975]
206 Cruise Kitty [1975]
207 Its No Picnic [1975]
208 Big Feet [1975]
209 The Great Motorboat Race [1975]
210 The Mansion Cat [1975]
211 Flippin Fido [1990]
212 Dog Daze Afternoon [1990]
213 Toys Will Be Toys [1990]
214 My Pal [1990]
215 Prehistoric Pals [1990]
216 Marvelous Marvin [1990]
217 Bat Mouse [1990]
218 Outer Space Rover [1990]
219 The Vermin [1990]
220 Mouse Scouts [1990]
221 Sugar Belle Loves Tom Sometimes [1990]
222 Mall Mouse [1990]
223 Cosmic Chaos [1990]
224 Beach Bummers [1990]
225 Gator Baiter [1990]
226 Medieval Mouse [1990]
227 ClydeToThe Rescue [1990]
228 Maze Monster Zap Men [1990]
229 Crash Condor [1990]
230 Scrub A Dub Tom [1990]
231 No Biz Like Snow Biz [1990]
232 Cast Away Tom [1990]
233 The Little Urfulls [1990]
234 Indy Mouse 500 [1990]
235 Exterminator Cometh [1990]
236 Urfo Returns [1990]
237 Circus Antics [1990]
238 Head Banger Buddy [1990]
239 Pump Em Up Pals [1990]
240 The Exterminator Cometh Again [1990]
241 Jerrys Mother [1990]
242 Toms Terror [1990]
243 Who Are You Kitten [1990]
244 Pussycat Pirates [1990]
245 Fathers Day [1990]
246 Lightning Bolt The Super Squirrel [1990]
247 Amademouse [1990]
248 Perky The Fish Pinching Penguin [1990]
249 Slowpoke Antonio [1990]
250 Wildmouse [1990]
251 Catch That Mouse [1990]
252 Birthday Surprise [1990]
253 Cleocatra [1990]
254 Chase School [1990]
255 Zorrito [1990]
256 Hard To Swallow [1990]
257 Calaboose Cal 495 [1990]
258 Chumpy Chums [1990]
259 Jerry Hood & Merry Meeces [1990]
260 The Planet Dogmania [1991]
261 Catawumpus Cat [1991]
262 Pest In The West [1991]
263 Tom The Babysitter [1991]
264 Gas Blaster Puss [1991]
265 Mess Hall Mouser [1991]
266 Tolivers Twist [1991]
267 Krazy Klaws [1991]
268 Toms Mermouse Mess Up [1991]
269 Termi Maid [1991]
270 The Breakn Entry Boyz [1991]
271 Doom Manor [1991]
272 SOS Ninja [1991]
273 Go Pher Help [1991]
274 Catastrophe Cat [1991]
275 Toms Double Trouble [1991]
276 The Watchcat [1992]
277 Catch As Cat Can [1992]
278 I Dream Of Cheezy [1992]
279 Fraidy Cat [1992]
280 Sing Along Eith Slowpoke [1992]
281 Stunt Cat [1992]
282 See No Evil [1992]
283 Scrapheap Symphony [1992]
284 Circus Cat [1992]
285 Jerry & The Beanstalk [1992]
286 Penthouse Mouse [1992]
287 The Ant Attack [1992]
288 Mouse With A Message [1992]
289 Wild World Of Bowling [1992]
290 Star Wrek [1992]
291 Lightning Bolt The Super Squirrel Strikes Again [1992]
292 Firehouse Mouse [1992]
293 The Ghost Of Castle McLochjaw [1992]
294 As The Cheese Turns [1993]
295 Cave Mouse [1993]
296 Alien Mouse [1993]
297 Martian Mouse [1993]
298 Knockout Pig [1993]
299 Musketeer Jr [1993]
300 Tom Thumped [1993]
301 Cheap Skates [1993]
302 When Knights Were Cold [1993]
303 Cat Counselor Cal [1993]
304 Hillbilly Hootenanny [1993]
305 Hawkeye Tom [1993]
306 No Tom Like The Present [1993]
307 Two Stepping Tom [1993]
308 Disc Temper [1993]
309 King Wildmouse [1993]
310 Space Chase [1993]
311 The Karate Guard [2005]
312 Bats What I Like About [2006]
313 Cat Got Your Luggage [2006]
314 City Dump Chumps [2006]
315 Cry Uncle [2006]
316 Digital Dilemma [2006]
317 Din O Sores [2006]
318 Egg Beats [2006]
319 Feeding Time [2006]
320 Fraidycat Scat [2006]
321 Freaky Tiky [2006]
322 Hi Robot [2006]
323 Joy Riding Jokers [2006]
324 Polar Peril [2006]
325 Prehisterics [2006]
326 Tiger Cat [2006]
327 Tomb It May Concern [2006]
328 Tomcat Jetpack [2006]
329 Way Off Brodway [2006]
330 24 Karat Kat [2007]
331 A Life Less Guarded [2007]
332 Abracadumb [2007]
333 Adventures In Penguin Sitting [2007]
334 Babysitting Blues [2007]
335 Battle Of The Power Tools [2007]
336 Beach Bully Bingo [2007]
337 Beefcake Tom [2007]
338 Bend It Like Thomas [2007]
339 Cat Nebula [2007]
340 Cat Of Prey [2007]
341 Cat Show Catastrophe [2007]
342 Catch Me Though You Can't [2007]
343 Catfish Follies [2007]
344 Destruction Junction [2007]
345 DJ Jerry [2007]
346 Doggone Hill Hog [2007]
347 Don't Bring Your Pet To School Day [2007]
348 Endless Bummer [2007]
349 Fire Breathing Tom Cat [2007]
350 Flamenco Fiasco [2007]
351 Game Of Mouse And Cat [2007]
352 Game Set Match [2007]
353 Ho Ho Horrors [2007]
354 Hockey Schtick [2007]
355 I Dream Of Meanie [2007]
356 Invasion Of The Body Slammers [2007]
357 Jackhammered Cat [2007]
358 Jungle Love [2007]
359 Kangadoofus [2007]
360 Kitty Cat Blues [2007]
361 Kitty Hawked [2007]
362 League Of Cats [2007]
363 Little Big Mouse [2007]
364 Martian Mouse [2007]
365 Medieval Menace [2007]
366 Monkey Chow [2007]
367 Monster Con [2007]
368 More Powers To You [2007]
369 Northern Light Fish Fight [2007]
370 Octo Suave [2007]
371 Over The River And Boo The Woods [2007]
372 Piranha Be Loved By You [2007]
373 Power Tom [2007]
374 Sasquashed [2007]
375 Snow Brawl [2007]
376 Snow Mouse [2007]
377 Spaced Out Cat [2007]
378 Spook House Mouse [2007]
379 Summer Squashing [2007]
380 The Cat Whisperer [2007]
381 The Declaration Of Independunce [2007]
382 The Itch [2007]
383 Tin Cat Of Tomorrow [2007]
384 Tomcat Superstar [2007]
385 Treasure Map Scrap [2007]
386 Which Witch [2007]
387 Xtreme Trouble [2007]
388 You're Lion [2007]
389 Zent Out Of Shape [2007]
un espacio de inolvidables del cine y la televisión,
con series, dibujos animados y películas, para nostálgicos y memoriosos
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta tom y jerry (1940) animacion. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta tom y jerry (1940) animacion. Mostrar todas las entradas
jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014
lunes, 24 de junio de 2013
Tom y Jerry (Colección Completa 1940-1967)
Título original: Tom and Jerry
Duración: 25 min.
País: Estados Unidos
Directores: William Hanna, Joseph Barbera, Tex Avery, Michael Lah, Gene Deitch, Chuck Jones
Guión: Heck Allen, Tex Avery, Rich Hogan, Rudolf Ising, Michael Lah, Tom Ray (Personajes: William Hanna, Joseph Barbera)
Música: Scott Bradley, Edward Plumb
Productora: Hannah-Barbera Productions / Sib-Tower 12 Productions / MGM Television
Género: Serie de TV. Animación. Comedia. Infantil | Gatos. Roedores. Tom y Jerry
Web Oficial
Idioma: Eapañol latino
Sinopsis: Serie animada de TV que muestra los intentos de un gato (Tom) por capturar a un ratón (Jerry). Los episodios fueron producidos por los estudios de la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer desde 1940 hasta 1958, cuando el grupo de animación del estudio fue cerrado. MGM, en 1960, subcontrató la producción de Tom y Jerry a Rembrandt Films (dirigido por Gene Deitch) en Europa del este. En 1963, la producción de los cortos de Tom y Jerry regresaron a Hollywood con Sib-Tower 12 Productions de Chuck Jones; estas series duraron hasta 1967.
Duración: 25 min.
País: Estados Unidos
Directores: William Hanna, Joseph Barbera, Tex Avery, Michael Lah, Gene Deitch, Chuck Jones
Guión: Heck Allen, Tex Avery, Rich Hogan, Rudolf Ising, Michael Lah, Tom Ray (Personajes: William Hanna, Joseph Barbera)
Música: Scott Bradley, Edward Plumb
Productora: Hannah-Barbera Productions / Sib-Tower 12 Productions / MGM Television
Género: Serie de TV. Animación. Comedia. Infantil | Gatos. Roedores. Tom y Jerry
Web Oficial
Idioma: Eapañol latino
Sinopsis: Serie animada de TV que muestra los intentos de un gato (Tom) por capturar a un ratón (Jerry). Los episodios fueron producidos por los estudios de la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer desde 1940 hasta 1958, cuando el grupo de animación del estudio fue cerrado. MGM, en 1960, subcontrató la producción de Tom y Jerry a Rembrandt Films (dirigido por Gene Deitch) en Europa del este. En 1963, la producción de los cortos de Tom y Jerry regresaron a Hollywood con Sib-Tower 12 Productions de Chuck Jones; estas series duraron hasta 1967.
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- http://subtitlesbank.com/
- http://subtitulos.es/
- http://titles.box.sk/
- http://www.addic7ed.com/
- http://www.allsubs.org/
- http://www.anysubs.com/
- http://www.argenteam.net/
- http://www.buscarsubtitulos.com/
- http://www.mysubtitles.com/
- http://www.opensubtitles.org/es
- http://www.solosubtitulos.com/
- http://www.sub-titles.net/
- http://www.subdivx.com/
- http://www.subs4movies.com/
- http://www.subswiki.com/
- http://www.subtitlecube.com/
- http://www.u-subtitles.com/es
- http://homepage.ntlworld.com/john.seymour1/ukbookguide/index.html
- http://www.abandomoviez.net/dbs/
- http://www.bcdb.com/ (cartoon)
- http://www.britannia.org/tvarchives/
- http://www.chespirito.org/
- http://www.cineatp.com/
- http://www.cinechile.cl/
- http://www.cinefania.com/index.php
- http://www.cinenacional.com/ (argentina)
- http://www.epguides.com/
- http://www.filmaffinity.com/es/main.html
- http://www.hotkey.net.au/~nval/scifi/Live/livea.htm
- http://www.imdb.com/
- http://www.nuestrosactores.com.ar/index.php (argentina)
- http://www.seriesweb.com/index.asp
- http://www.timetravelreviews.com/
- http://www.tucomiquita.com/
- http://www.tv.com/
- http://depositfiles.com/en/
- http://freakshare.com/
- http://rapidgator.net/
- http://turbobit.net/
- http://ul.to/
- http://uploaded.to/
- http://www.4shared.com/
- http://www.filefactory.com/
- http://www.gamefront.com/
- http://www.mediafire.com/
- http://www.sendspace.com/
- http://www.transferbigfiles.com/
- http://www.yandex.com/
- https://mega.co.nz/
- https://megaupload.nz/
- https://wetransfer.com/
- https://www.box.com/