más datos en la etiqueta
2x01: Legends —13 April 2001
01 - Leyendas
2x02: The Camp —20 April 2001
02 - El campamento
2x03: The Importance of Being Eberts —27 April 2001
03 - La importancia de ser Eberts2x04: Johnny Apocalypse —15 June 2001
04 - Johnny Apocalipsis
2x05: Going Postal —22 June 2001
05 - Locura postal
2x06: Brother's Keeper —29 June 2001
06 - El cuidador de mi hermano2x07: Insensate —6 July 2001
07 - Sin sentidos
2x08: Den of Thieves —13 July 2001
08 - Guarida de los ladrones2x09: Bad Chi —20 July 2001
09 - Mal Chi
2x10: Flash to Bang —27 July 2001
10 - Amnesia explosiva
2x11: Germ Theory —3 August 2001
11 - Teoria de germenes
2x12: The Choice —10 August 2001
12 - La eleccion
2x13: Immaterial Girl —17 August 2001
13 - Mujer inmaterial
2x14: Father Figure —24 August 2001
14 - Figura paterna
2x15: A Sense of Community —7 September 2001
15 - Sentido de comunidad
2x16: The Three Phases of Claire —14 September 2001
16 - Las tres fases de Claire2x17: Exposed —28 September 2001
17 - Descubierto
2x18: The Invisible Woman —4 January 2002
18 - La mujer invisible
2x19: Mere Mortals —11 January 2002
19 - Simples mortales
2x20: Possessed —18 January 2002
20 - Poseido
2x21: Enemy of My Enemy —25 January 2002
21 - El enemigo de mi enemigo2x22: The New Stuff —1 February 2002
22 - El nuevo mundo
01 - Leyendas
2x02: The Camp —20 April 2001
02 - El campamento
2x03: The Importance of Being Eberts —27 April 2001
03 - La importancia de ser Eberts2x04: Johnny Apocalypse —15 June 2001
04 - Johnny Apocalipsis
2x05: Going Postal —22 June 2001
05 - Locura postal
2x06: Brother's Keeper —29 June 2001
06 - El cuidador de mi hermano2x07: Insensate —6 July 2001
07 - Sin sentidos
2x08: Den of Thieves —13 July 2001
08 - Guarida de los ladrones2x09: Bad Chi —20 July 2001
09 - Mal Chi
2x10: Flash to Bang —27 July 2001
10 - Amnesia explosiva
2x11: Germ Theory —3 August 2001
11 - Teoria de germenes
2x12: The Choice —10 August 2001
12 - La eleccion
2x13: Immaterial Girl —17 August 2001
13 - Mujer inmaterial
2x14: Father Figure —24 August 2001
14 - Figura paterna
2x15: A Sense of Community —7 September 2001
15 - Sentido de comunidad
2x16: The Three Phases of Claire —14 September 2001
16 - Las tres fases de Claire2x17: Exposed —28 September 2001
17 - Descubierto
2x18: The Invisible Woman —4 January 2002
18 - La mujer invisible
2x19: Mere Mortals —11 January 2002
19 - Simples mortales
2x20: Possessed —18 January 2002
20 - Poseido
2x21: Enemy of My Enemy —25 January 2002
21 - El enemigo de mi enemigo2x22: The New Stuff —1 February 2002
22 - El nuevo mundo